Producers of pure Russian Bees and Queens
Manage your bees, not mites.
Manage your bees, not mites.
Click the button below to order queens
Prices do not include shipping
Prices are for pickup in Wiggins, MS
You are responsible for loading nucs.
Once they are in your possession they are your responsibility.
At Coy Bee Company, we are dedicated to producing the best honey on the MS Gulf Coast. We have hives spread out across Coastal MS where they collect honey from the wildflowers, shrubs and trees all along the coast. We simply extract the honey and put it Barrels, Buckets and Jars. Its raw and natural its our honey from our hives.
If you need barrels or 5 gallon buckets to supplement what you produce or if you just eat A LOT of honey, we have what you need.
Call the office to schedule a pickup time . 601-530-6440
The only book about Russian Honey Bees.
If you want to know about their development and selection or their mechanisms of resistance and management techniques, its all here.
This book is based on more than 20 years of research and management experience.
Russian bees are mite resistant. More than 25 years of research by the USDA Baton Rouge Bee Lab, as well as others, have proven that Russian bees are resistant to mites. They are not mite proof.
Using Russian bees allows you to manage your bees, not your mites.
What is a Certified Member of the RHBA?
The Russian Honeybee Breeders Association (RHBA) certifies members who have demonstrated they can consistently produce queens that keep mite numbers low and pass a DNA test for purity.
There are a lot of people selling "Russian bees" but many of these queens are hybrids. Only Certified members of the RHBA have access to ALL lines of Russian bees and can breed pure Russian bees.
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If you need to call, email or stop by the shop
go to the Contact Us page
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